Shirley Lions Club is looking for their 2024/2025 Young Ambassador of the 21st Century

This could be you ?

Do you love volunteering for an organisation that you are passionate about ?  

Would you like the opportunity to tell others about the work you do and what you are achieving with this organisation ?

Would you like to try to win a bursary of £500 or even £1,000 (for the national winner) to help them take forward a project ?

If so and you will be over 15 and under 19 on or before June 2025 we would love to hear from you and support you to represent Shirley Lions in the Young Ambassador competition.

The Lions Young Ambassador competition promotes the work of young people working as volunteers and gives them the recognition they deserve. Previous winners tell us the experience has boosted their self esteem, their confidence in themselves and has highlighted the charities and volunteer groups with which they are involved.

As a tangible reward the winner at District level receives a bursary of £500 and at National level £1,000. The winner's bursaries are to be used for a sustainable project with the candidate's chosen organisation or for training to develop the candidate's potential to carry out their volunteering work. These bursaries are not for the personal financial benefit of the candidate.

We will help at every step of the way as you prepare an application form and a three minute presentation to give to three judges. The District level judging takes place in November 2024 and the winner from the District goes forward to a National final in February 2025. The judging is very informal and it gives you the opportunity to meet others of your age who are also passionate about working for others.

The National winner competes for the European award at the Lions Europa Forum in late summer 2025. The dates are chosen so as not to clash with exams.

Criteria for judging of candidates for the award

The extent of the candidate's involvement in community service 50% of the marks

The personality and leadership qualities of the candidate 15% of the marks

The candidate's proposals for the use of the bursary 15% of the marks

The ability to speak for up to 3 minutes about the candidate's service activities 20% of the marks.

If you would like to represent us in this competition or know someone who may be interested please contact Lion Jackie Culliford on 0345 833 9547 for an informal chat. Calls to this number will be charged at a local call rate.

 Alternatively please download and complete the attached preliminary application form and email it to us. We will then get in touch with you.

For the year 2023-24 Leyla Mughal represented us

Shirley Lions are very proud that Leyla Mughal, representing Shirley Lions, won the District Finals of Young Ambassador of the 21st Century and so won a bursary of £500 for Solihull Young Carers. Leyla is an impressive and caring young lady who supports her family as a Young Carer, provides inspiration for other Young Carers and also finds time to be involved in voluntary activities at her school. Although Leyla was not successful at the national finals she gave a great account of her activities which can be seen and heard on this link (20+) Facebook

Y A Leyla Young Ambassador trophy  Y A Leyla (2)

Previous Shirley Lions Young Ambassadors :-

For the year 2022-2023 Noah Anderson represented us.

Noah is a Young Carer with Solihull Young Carers with whom he is a peer mentor as well as the main carer for a member of his family. Although Noah was not successful at the District competition he gave a great account of his activities as a Young Carer and is a credit to Solihull Young Carers, Shirley Lions and himself. Noah said " It has been a pleasure working with you and becoming more confident in speaking to people that I haven't known before and it has really boosted my confidence"

Noah Anderson a

For the year 2021-22 Lydia represented Shirley Lions.

Lydia won the Central & West District level of the Young Ambassador competition, winning a Bursary of £500 for Solihull Young Carers. At the National Finals unfortunately Lydia didn't win the £1,000 bursary but she gave a great account of her life as a Young Carer and Shirley Lions are immensely proud of everything she has achieved in life. Lydia tells us: "I just wanted to say thank you so much for the entire experience. From planning the speeches to getting the trophies tonight I have enjoyed every part of it."

Lydia & Paul with all her trophies

For the year 2020-21 Katie represented Shirley Lions. Katie told us:-

Having won the District Finals, Katie went on to the National Finals Katie where she won the Shipshape Award which is an experience to crew a "Tall Ship" out at sea. Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus Pandemic this did not take place.


Since 2000, all candidates for the Lions Young Ambassador Award are eligible for the Jubilee Sailing Trust Shipshape Award, (except the Young Ambassador chosen to represent MD105). The award is presented to a Young Ambassador who demonstrates a particularly strong personal commitment and enthusiasm for their community work. The Lions Clubs Young Ambassador Shipshape Award provides a life-changing adventure at sea for one of the Young Ambassador finalists. Its purpose is for the recipient to develop their leadership skills by joining a crew of young people with a range of abilities aboard one of the Jubilee Sailing Trust tall ships.

Shirley Lions and Solihull Young Carers are so proud of what Katie has achieved in this competition and we wish her well in all her future endeavours.

Katie tells us "It was a very wonderful and exciting experience. It helped boost my confidence, and public speaking even though it was via zoom. The thrill of raising awareness of young carers is what it was all about for me. Jackie and Ken were both amazing as they were with me the whole way as well as Sally."

Katie Bladon  Shipshape award

For the year 2018/19 Hannah represented Shirley Lions. Hannah told us:- 

"Taking part in the Young Ambassador competition was a fantastic experience"

Hannah and Shirley Lions  Hannah and Jackie  Jackie & D G  Hannah & D G

For the year 2017/18 Alex represented Shirley Lions. Alex told us:-

"The Lions Young Ambassadors competition is a brilliant celebration of the work of young volunteers and organisations which are making a difference in their communities. It is an amazing opportunity to meet incredible young people from across the UK and a chance to develop really important communication skills. The Lions are extremely encouraging and supportive and the funding available is used to help you to start a project which can make a really positive difference to the lives of people in your community. The award is a great opportunity to do something a little different and I really enjoyed the experience!"

Y A 2016 Alex  Young Ambassador AlexY A Alex

And in the year 2016/17 Jessica represented Shirley Lions. Jessica says:-

"The Young Ambassador competition was an amazing experience. It was very exciting to have the opportunity to represent other young people and achieve funding for a project which I cared passionately about. The competition enabled me to make a big difference to my community and opened doors for a number of other opportunities such as representing the region at the National final and even going on to represent Britain in Norway. This really was a phenomenal experience, I received so much support  and had a great time. I would recommend it to everyone!"

 Y A Jessica (4)Y A Jessica (2)Jessica