Shirley Lions was formed in 1977 and is a part of Lions Clubs International which is the world's largest community service organisation with 1.4 million members in approximately 44,600 clubs in 208 countries. So members can get involved in a vast range of projects, locally, nationally and internationally.
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. We are friends, family and global neighbours. Anybody can become a Lion. As a social network of volunteers we share a common passion : we get involved in our local communities.
Anyone over 18 years old can be a Lion and there are Leos Clubs for the under 18s.

Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, our motto is "We Serve" and our mission statement is "To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.
Within each country Lions is organised into Districts and within Districts Zones. Shirley Lions and the other 5 Solihull based clubs are in Zone 7 and together with 83 clubs in an area roughly covering the Midlands and South Wales we form District 105CW and with another 7 Districts we form the Multiple District 105 with about 11,000 Lions distributed over the UK. Our District is also part of North Sea Lions.

To learn more about Lions: