Shirley Lions have planted 150 young trees at Palmers Rough in Shirley. This was arranged in conjunction with Adam Noon, Ecologist at Solihull Council, and with the assistance of students from Lighthall School. The trees were planted between two areas of ancient woodland and will provide a green corridor to help animal life move more easily from one area to the other. Martin Conlon of Shirley Lions said “When we first asked the Council about planting some trees, Adam said he had always wanted to join these two areas of woodland together and that this would be an ideal project for us to do. We were doubly pleased to be able to involve our local senior school and were impressed with their enthusiasm for a project they would not otherwise be involved in. It is too often that young people get publicity for the wrong reasons so it was great to show that this is not always the case”. The project by the Lions was partly in celebration of the Centenary of the founding of Lions Clubs International but also part of one of their aims to involve local youngsters in community activities. Jacqui Allen of Lighthall School expressed her thanks for giving them the opportunity to share in this activity with Shirley Lions. It will hopefully have created good memories for these students for years to come.